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How To Plump Up Scatter Cushions With This Simple Trick

How To Plump Up Scatter Cushions With This Simple Trick

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Do your scatter cushions look flat and lifeless? Perhaps you are thinking it is time to replace them. But what about plumping them up instead? With minimal effort, your cushions can become cosy and luxurious again.

If your scatter cushions need plumping, vacuum them, air them on a washing line and then throw them down on all sides to help the fibers separate. Depending on the material you might even be able to machine wash them.

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Why do scatter cushions sag?

After a time scatter cushions can become lifeless and flat. The fibers can clump up, and they won’t give you the support and comfort they did previously. When that happens it’s time to give them some extra care.

How to plump up scatter cushions

Step 1 – Vacuum

Set your vacuum cleaner to a low suction setting. Use the upholstery attachment if you have one to give your cushion a thorough vacuum on all sides.

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Step 2 – Air

Before you start to plump up your scatter cushions you will want to get them as fresh and dry as possible. Over time moisture can build up in cushions, and it can cause them to become lifeless and flat.

The best option for getting scatter cushions completely dry and smelling fresh again is to place them outside in the sun or peg them out on your washing line. If that’s not an option tumble dry them on a low setting for 15 to 30 minutes.

Note: If your cushion filling is washable, consider washing them on a gentle cycle first.

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Step 2 – Plump up

Now your scatter cushions are nice and fresh, next you will want to plump them up and this is where it gets physical and much more interesting!

Throw your cushion down on the floor from all sides. This helps to release the fibers inside and allows air to circulate and bring them back to life. It’s also a great time to safely release any pent-up frustration!

You can also try giving your cushion a firm massage on all sides to ensure no clumping remains in the fibers.

Optional step – replace the cushion filling

If you find none of the above works your best option will be to replace the insides of the cushion instead. Read on to discover the best type of cushion filling for you.

What are the different types of cushion fillings?

different cushion fillings

If you love your cushion but don’t love how flat it has become, and your attempts to revive it hasn’t worked it is time to replace the filling. This is easily done. Simply buy a new cushion pad that you can slip inside the existing cover. There is no need to buy a whole new cushion.

But which type of cushion pad should you go for to keep your cushion nice and plump?

Let’s take a look at the options.

Natural cushion fillings

Natural cushion fillings are made of feather or down. These types of fillings make for a squishy cushion that doesn’t spring back into a fixed shape as synthetic cushion fillings can.

Natural cushion fillings tend to cost more but could be worth it because they can last longer. However, if you have allergies to feathers you will need to go for a man-made material instead. Feather and down are also more difficult to wash, dry cleaning might be your only option.

Synthetic cushion fillings

The next option is a man-made filling. This might be your only choice if you have allergies to feathers. There are several types of man-made filling.

Hollow fiber

Hollow fiber filling is a man-made material consisting of lots of hollow strands of fiber. The air inside the fibers trap the air giving them a bouncy feel.

Hollow fiber can become flat over time but can be brought back to life with plumping. These types of filling can usually be washed.


There are lots of different types of foam fillings around including recycled, mixed fiber and memory foam. The advantage of foam fillings inside scatter cushions is that they often require minimal plumping to return them to their original shape.

Can you machine wash scatter cushions?

You should always check the washing directions. Feather and down cushions usually aren’t washable. Hollow fiber and foam can often be washed on a gentle cycle at a low temperature. After washing, you will need to plump them up again to release any fibers that have clumped.

The cover and the filling might well have different washing directions. If you can, unzip the cover from the pad and wash it separately. If your cushion doesn’t have a zip here is how to wash it safely.

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Penny | Sparkling Penny

Penny’s expert cleaning advice has been featured repeatedly by Homes and Gardens Magazine, and also at wikiHow, The Daily Express Newspaper, and Glam Magazine to name a few! was founded in 2019 and has since helped millions of people achieve a cleaner living space.

How to plump up your couch scatter cushions in a couple of simple steps. There is no need for a new cushion you can revive an old one in no time.