How to Naturally Clean and Care for Your Wooden Furniture

Updated byPenny
How to Naturally Clean and Care for Your Wooden Furniture

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Here are SparklingPenny, we love using natural ingredients for cleaning, and wooden furniture is no exception!

Wood loves to be nourished as well as cleaned, and I have all the best recipes for you to keep your lovely wood furniture looking and staying in tip-top condition. And the best part is that you probably already have all the ingredients in your kitchen. So there is nothing to stop you getting started now!

Natural cleaning solutions are safer for both the environment and your health. They are also often more cost-effective than commercial products.

What’s great too is that natural cleaning solutions are often versatile and can be used for a variety of cleaning tasks around the home. For example, a simple solution of vinegar and water can be used to clean windows, floors, and countertops, as well as wooden furniture.

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What ingredients clean wood the best?

olive oil
  • Vinegar. White distilled vinegar is a versatile and effective natural cleaning agent. It can help remove dirt, grime, and stains from wooden furniture.
  • Olive oil. Olive oil can be used to condition and protect wooden furniture. It helps to nourish the wood and prevent it from drying out.
  • Lemon juice. Lemon juice is another natural cleaning agent that can be used to remove stains and grime from wooden furniture. It also has a gorgeous scent that can help freshen up your furniture.
  • Baking soda. Baking soda can be used to remove tough stains and grime from wooden furniture. It’s also effective at neutralizing odors. Keep in mind that it may be too abrasive, so do make sure you dissolve it in water first.

Always test any cleaning solution on a small, inconspicuous area of the furniture before using it on the entire piece. This will help you avoid any damage or discoloration to the wood.

How to clean wood naturally

  1. Vinegar and olive oil. Mix equal parts of white vinegar and olive oil in a bowl. Dip a soft cloth in the mixture and apply it to your wooden furniture. This mixture helps to remove dirt and grime while nourishing the wood.
  2. Lemon juice. Mix equal parts of lemon juice and water in a spray bottle. Spray the mixture onto your wooden furniture and wipe it clean with a soft cloth. This mixture helps to remove stains and brighten the wood.
  3. Baking soda. Mix baking soda and water to create a paste. Apply the paste to any stains on your wooden furniture and let it sit for a few minutes. Wipe the paste away with a damp cloth and dry the area thoroughly.

When cleaning your wooden furniture, it is important to avoid using too much water. Water can cause the wood to warp or crack. Instead, use a damp cloth to wipe down the furniture and dry it immediately afterwards.

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How to polish wood naturally

polishing wood

Polishing your wooden furniture is a great way to keep it looking shiny and new.

  1. Beeswax polish. This is a popular natural polish that is easy to make. You can mix 1 part grated beeswax with 4 parts olive oil and melt them together in a double boiler. Once melted, apply the mixture to your furniture with a soft cloth and let it sit for a few minutes. Then, buff the surface with another clean cloth.
  2. Vinegar and oil polish. Mix 1/4 cup of white vinegar with 3/4 cup of olive oil in a spray bottle. Shake well and apply the mixture to your furniture with a soft cloth. Rub the surface in a circular motion and buff it with another clean cloth.
  3. Lemon juice and olive oil polish. Mix 1/4 cup of lemon juice with 1/4 cup of olive oil in a spray bottle. Shake well and apply the mixture to your furniture with a soft cloth. Rub the surface in a circular motion and buff it with another clean cloth.

Pro-tips for cleaning wood

  1. Apply the polish in a thin, even layer.
  2. Use a soft cloth to avoid scratching the surface.
  3. Buff the surface with a clean cloth to remove any excess polish.

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Preventative care

wooden furniture

Here are a few tips to help you protect your wood furniture:

  • Avoid direct sunlight. Avoid placing your furniture near windows or in direct sunlight, as this can cause the wood to fade and dry out over time.
  • Use coasters. Use coasters or place mats under glasses, plates, and cups to prevent scratches and water damage.
  • Use felt pads. Use felt pads under furniture legs to prevent scratches and dents on hardwood floors.
  • Regularly dust. Regularly dust and clean your furniture to prevent buildup of dirt which can cause damage to the finish.

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Sparkling Penny

Penny | Sparkling Penny

Penny’s expert cleaning advice has been featured repeatedly by Homes and Gardens Magazine, and also at wikiHow, The Daily Express Newspaper, and Glam Magazine to name a few! was founded in 2019 and has since helped millions of people achieve a cleaner living space.

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Learn how to clean and polish your wooden furniture using only natural ingredients. I have receipes that you can make at home using only store cupboard ingredients including olive oil, vinegar and lemon juice. These homemade diy cleaning hacks are much safer and more effective too!Learn how to clean and polish your wooden furniture using only natural ingredients. I have receipes that you can make at home using only store cupboard ingredients including olive oil, vinegar and lemon juice. These homemade diy cleaning hacks are much safer and more effective too!